Oh, the Places You'll Go!! | Andie Ibanez

Oh, the Places You'll Go!!

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the cutest Dr. Suess themed party. I was amazed by how perfect everything was, so I was determined to share it with you!! The specific theme was "Oh, the Places You'll Go", and I was blown away by all of the details. To say this was done in a creative way would be an understatement. They used pool noodles, duck tape, and tissue paper pom-poms to replicate something you'd see out of a Dr. Suess book and they even had 5 different colorful drinks to add some colors to the drink dispensers. Take a look at the photos I snagged from this event, you will not be disappointed!! 

Beautiful, right!? Inspiring to say the least!!

Xoxo, Marie
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